Dalai Momma Artwork

Welcome to
The Dalai Momma
Podcast website!

Hi! I’m Alexis Scarbrough, the creator of the Dalai Momma Podcast, artist, sound healer, Youtuber, and vlogger.  
Here’ you’ll find not only my Mental Health focused artwork, but links to my projects, supportive talks on single parenting, stories of parenting the self, and how good unschooling, is if you can afford it.
I’m an expert on narcissistic abuse, the Motherwound  and Fatherwound, and can share insight on recovery from
religious trauma, having been indoctrinated, shunned, and deprogrammed, myself.
I am in recovery from C-PTSD which is created during the youngest years of childhood and onward, and I am willing to share the gems I’m gathering that have taken me this far.
My favorite, currently:
When you feel an overwhelming sense of sorrow or just lowness but without reason, and you feel like you need to snap out of it, but you can’t put your finger on what’s causing it –that’s a pulse from the past when young you was crying out to fill a need, but were met with nothing; no one cared. There’s a name for this sweeping sadness; it’s called Childhood Melange.
We can time-travel, you guys, back to our youths and scoop up our sad inner children and listen, hug them, and help them to feel loved and worthy like we should have gotten long ago.
It’s our job to love ourselves like we were meant to be loved, growing up.  Those of us with C-PTSD may have missed out on important, foundational information –omitting the ways to create healthy relationships. We weren’t encouraged nor role modeled showing Self compassion, Self care, or Self anything –the message we got was self-restriction, self-restraint, self-contempt.  
Cool Number

Be abundant in unconditional love ...Be patient and listen...Never give up on your children for they hold the keys to evolution and success!!